Wednesday, October 26, 2005

No lights on the Christmas Tree?

Castle Douglas is struggling to find enough money to get lit up this Xmas.

Perhaps Tesco will help?

Friday, October 14, 2005

Semple and Fergusson closing down.

Will a new business take over? Watch this space.

Three empty businesses in Castle Douglas.

How many more will Tesco create?

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Down in the sewer.

Photo shows first stage of £2 million upgrade of Castle Douglas sewage system.

This will pipe processed waste 3 miles to the river Dee.

This work has to be done to meet planning conditions imposed on Tesco, a 63 unit housing project (nearly completed) and a new health centre. The original cost was estimated (September 2004) at £500 000. But the original route of the pipeline ran through a Special Protected Area/ internationally important wetland.

Scottish Natural Heritage blocked this shorter (1.5 miles) route. A new, more expensive route was proposed in early 2005. Did the need to have Tesco on board (developers are paying for the sewage upgrade) to meet the extra cost influence the decision to approve their supermarket? No-one knows.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Tesco deconstruction.

Although the legality of the planning procedures which have allowed Tesco to start their deconstruction of Castle Douglas as a Food Town/ unique shopping experience is still being questioned, as the images below reveal, physcial de/ construction has already begun.

Looking at the site, it resembles the road construction sites [ Twyford Down, M11, M 74, Bath, Newbury etc.]which ten years ago were met with determined resistance. The road protests back then did check the progress of such road developments, but it seems nothing can check Tesco's progress to total market dominance.

Tesco apparently have a 'land bank' which will let them build another 185 stores. Tesco also have the economic ability to bulldoze their way through planning laws.

What will happen to Castle Douglas? Watch this space to find out.

Will these 150 year old Scots pines survive?

Organic- or ironic?

Tesco come to town October 2005.

This is a view of the Castle Douglas Tesco site.